"In het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garanties voor de toekomst"
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Winbind, idmap_ad and machine accounts

Small post about a stupid problem I was having tonight with Samba. As you may know, Inter-Actief uses samba on its fileserver, using active directory for authentication.

We have enabled the idmap_ad module, by putting idmap backend = ad in smb.conf. All our users are assigned a unix uid in the active director, so they can login. This works okay for normal users, they can login, access files, etc. Yet, this fails for software deployment.

We are using standard windows software deployment techniques, using group policies in our AD. Yet, when clients try to install that software, nobody is logged in yet, so the install process runs as the machine account of the machine. But when trying to authenticate with this account at the fileserver, it can't find the unix uid for the account, so the login fails.

Solving this proved easy (though it took me half an evening to think of it): I added the map to guest = Bad Uid option to my smb.conf. This ensures that any failed uid lookup is mapped to my guest user, nobody. Since the share that provides the deployed software is accessible by guest users (guest ok = yes), this allows clients to access deployed software.

My clients are now able to access the files on the fileserver. Now I am up for the next problem, according to samba logs, they stopped trying, while the windows event viewer still says installation failed because the installation source was not available. Gr.... Stupid windows....

0 comments -:- permalink -:- 23:50
Fixing Nested groups with winbind part 1: Why the hell is it broken?

I've previously mentioned nested groups not working on our active directory/winbind/FreeBSD setup. For some reason groups in groups were not properly unfolded by winbind. I suspected this to be because the "domain functional level" was "windows 200 mixed", which is more compatible with older DC's. By now, we've moved to a new DC and raised the level to "windows 2003 native". Unfortunately, this didn't help one tiny bit. Still broken.

For example, the user mkooijma is present in various groups on our AD. Most of these groups are also member of the Actievelingen group, so mkooijma should be too. Yet, running id mkooijma, gives

uid=10008(mkooijma) gid=10000(Domain Users) groups=10000(Domain Users),
  11001(Beheer), 11013(KasCo), 11004(BoCie), 11019(NoiZiA), 11029(Webredactie)

So, no Actievelingen group there.

Again motivated to start digging into source code to find out why this is, I ended up finding a nice big FIXME in the code. That part of the code, which was used by the id utility on FreeBSD (and presumably also by the file system), does not support nested groups.

Seeing a fine oppurtunity to do some coding, I've hacked up a couple of lines of code to supported nested groups there. And I'll be damned, but it worked. Running id mkooijma now gives:

uid=10008(mkooijma) gid=10000(Domain Users) groups=10000(Domain Users),
    11001(Beheer), 11013(KasCo), 10001(Actievelingen), 11004(BoCie),
    11019(NoiZiA), 10002(Webmasters.nested), 11029(Webredactie)

Nice job, so I submitted my patch to the samba-technical mailing list yesterday. I also started hanging out in #samba-technical, where I got into a discussion with Wilco (which I happen to know IRL) this morning about my patch. We discussed in what way I could make it not break on groups that are members of themselves (indirectly), or users that would end up in the same group multiple times. A few minutes into this discussion, vl walked in on IRC. Since he apparently has been working on winbind group mappings before, he pointed me on a few more fundamental flaws of my approach.

It turns out that fixing the getgrent NSS interface is not really the way to go, for two reasons.

  • Samba's getgrent interface is not really working that well. It does not support everything as it should, such as nested groups. Yet, the code is stable now, and trying to support nested groups, but not accounting for all possible scenarios will make the code unstable. Or more to the point:

    17:01 < blathijs> okay, so the current code doesn't work but doesn't break
    17:01 < blathijs> but my patch makes it break :-)
  • Using getgrent for finding the groups a user is in is terribly inefficient. In short, getgrent returns a list of members for a group. So, to get the groups a user is on using getgrent the code has to iterate all existing groups and see if the user is in that particular group. Doable for a couple of groups, but it will not scale to hundreds or thousands groups and users.

    Also, since active directory and LDAP store group membership as "memberOf" attributes for the users, creating a list of members for a group probably involves iterating all users to find members (not sure about that though).

It turns out there is a getgrouplist function in FreeBSD and there is also a getgrouplist function in winbind. Yet, when calling getgrouplist, this call is not forwarded to winbind through nsswitch, but implemented by iterating with getgrent (as described above. getgrent is forwarded through nsswitch). So, FreeBSD should just call getgrouplist through nsswitch and be done with it?

Also, these features are supported on linux, so it should be possible. Wilco pointed out than NetBSD does support this and has nicely documented how. Basically, the problem is that the getgrouplist function uses a parameter is input and output paramater, which makes it unsuitable to forward using nss. NetBSD fixes this by making getgrouplist a wrapper around a (new) getgroupmembership function, which has a slightly different interface that is compatible with nss.

Yet, it seems that this getgroupmembership nss function is not implemented by winbind. This probably means NetBSD was changed to support this with other nss backends, but nobody got around to adding the function to winbind yet. But, we know that linux does support this using nss and winbind, so how is that implemented then?

It turns out that linux has implemented something similar, yet it wraps getgrouplist in a nss-compatible function initgroups_dyn. It's interface is practically compatible with getgroupmembership, the only difference is that getgroupmembership needs a preallocated buffer, while initgroups_dyn can allocate and resize the buffer itself when needed (though this seems like a better idea, the function must still be wrapped in getgrouplist, so it might not really matter anyway....).

Anyway, I now have a clear view what has to bo done. I will either:

  • Port getgrouplist nss code from NetBSD to FreeBSD and implement getgroupmembership in winbind (for which I can probably borrow code from nss_ldap, which I think supports both linux and NetBSD).
  • Port getgrouplist nss code from linux. This requires no winbind changes, since initgroups_dyn is already implemented in winbind.

Just now, I've found I'm not the only one that wants these changes. So I'll do some more exploring about the necessary changes soon, but now it's time for dinner.

Edit: I've looked at both Linux and NetBSD libc, and it seems NetBSD is the way to go. Both FreeBSD and NetBSD have taken their libc implementations from something called 4.4BSD-Lite2, meaning that both are already quite similar in contrast to Linux, whose libc is structured quite differently.

0 comments -:- permalink -:- 19:17
Nested groups and win2000 native mode

Have been fighting with our windows server 2003 domain controller and the various samba/winbind connected FreeBSD servers all day. My objectives were twofold: Properly configuring SFU and getting nested groups to work on our BSD machines.

The first proved relatively easy. Some PHP code that used the LDAP libraries to mess around in the AD directly gave all our users and groups their uids and gids. Works now. Next up was getting nested groups to work to centralize our access management some more.

The current setup is as follows: We have a group "WWW", which is the webcommittee. They should always be able to login to our webserver. Also the group "Beheer" should be able to login, they are our system administrators. Finally, we have the group "Webmasters", which are the webmasters from a few other comittees. Currently, there is a rule that allows these three groups to login. Ideally there should be one group "WebUsers" that is allowed to login and contains these three groups.

Looking around brings me to the "winbind nested groups" feature of samba/winbind. This seems like exactly what we need, but eventually this seems to be meant for samba running as DC only, which is not our case (we have a 2k3 DC). Also, looking through the source, this directive seems to have no function at all anymore...

Anyway, winbind should unwrap nested groups all by itself, people told me. So, my current setup should work. Well, surprise, it doesn't :-). Looking around some more makes me suspect putting our domain controller in "windows 2000 native mode" might help. Currently, our 2k3 server is running in "windows 2000 mixed mode", which is the default. This allows NT4 domain controllers to participate in the domain, so shouldn't really be needed for our setup. So, let's upgrade, right?

Well, not so fast... The "upgrade" button is surrounded with red markers and warnings, since the change is not reversible. Upgrading should not affect the DC itself much, nor any of the clients. We don't have any NT4 machines in our domain, so there should be no problem. Also, our samba servers should be able to talk in windows2000+ protocols, so probably no problem there. The thing is, if it breaks, there is no way back. And since it is at the end of my weekend and people need their systems tomorrow and I need my time (haven't actually gotten to doing anything since I've been struggling with samba since yesterday). So, next opportunity I get, 2000 mixed mode dies. Now, let's settle for not-so-centralized management and get our webserver logins back up.

Update: See this post for more info on the cause of the winbind problem.

1 comment -:- permalink -:- 22:23
Copyright by Matthijs Kooijman - most content WTFPL