These are the ramblings of Matthijs Kooijman, concerning the software he hacks on, hobbies he has and occasionally his personal life.
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When you use Screen together with Xorg, you'll recognize this: You log in to an X session, start screen and use the terminals within screen to start programs every now and then. Everything works fine so far. Then, you logout and log in again (or X crashes, or whatever). You happily re-attach the still running screen, which allows you to continue whatever you were doing.
But now, whenever you want to start a GUI program, things get wonky. You'll get errors about not being able to find configuration data, connect to gconf or DBUS, or your programs will not start at all, with the ever-informative error message "No protocol specified". You'll also recognize your ssh-agent and gpg-agent to stop working within the screen session...
What is happening here, is that all those programs are using "environment variables" to communicate. In particular, when you log in, various daemons get started (like the DBUS daemon and your ssh-agent). To allow other programs to connect to these daemons, they put their contact info in an environment variable in the login process. Whenever a process starts another process, these environment variables get transfered from the parent process to the child process. Sine these environment variables are set in the X sesssion startup process, which starts everything else, all programs should have access to them.
However, you'll notice that, after logging in a second time, the screen you re-attach to was not started by the current X session. So that means its environment variables still point to the old (no longer runnig) daemons from the previous X session. This includes any shells already running in the screen as well as new shells started within the screen (since the latter inherit the environment variables from the screen process itself).
To fix this, we would like to somehow update the environment of all
processes that are already running when we login, to update them with
the addresses of the new daemons. Unfortunately, we can't change the
environment of other processes (unless we resort to scary stuff
like using gdb
or poking around in /dev/mem
...). So, we'll have to
convice those shells to actually update their own environments.
So, this solution has two parts: First, after login, saving the relevant variables from the environment into a file. Then, we'll need to get our shell to load those variables.
The first part is fairly easy: Just run a script after login that writes
out the values to a file. I have a script called ~/bin/save-env
to do
exactly that. It looks like this (full version here):
# Save a bunch of environment variables. This script should be run just
# after login. The saved variables can then be sourced by every bash
# shell, so long running shells (e.g., in screen) or incoming SSH shells
# can also use these services.
# Save the DBUS sessions address on each login
if [ -n "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ]; then
if [ -n "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
echo export SSH_AGENT_PID="$SSH_AGENT_PID" > ~/.env.d/ssh
echo export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" >> ~/.env.d/ssh
# Save other variables here
This script fills the directory ~/.env.d with files containg environment variables, separated by application. I could probably have thrown them all into a single file, but it seemed like a good idea to separate them. Anyway, these files are created in such a way that they can be sourced by a running shell to get the new files.
If you download and install this script, don't forget to make it
executable and create the ~/.env.d directory. You'll need to make sure
it gets run as late as possible after login. I'm running a (stripped
down) Gnome session, so I used gnome-session-properties
to add it
to my list of startup applications. You might call this script from your
.xession, KDE's startup program list, or whatever.
For the second part, we need to set our saved variables in all of our
shells. This sounds easy, just run
for f in ~/.env.d/*; do source "$f"; done
in every shell (Don't be
tempted to do source ~/.env.d/*
, since that sources just the first
file with the other files as arguments!). But, of course we don't want
to do this manually, but let every shell do it automatically.
For this, we'll use a tool completely unintended, but suitable enough
for this job: $PROMPT_COMMAND
. Whenever Bash is about to display a
prompt, it evals whatever is in the variable $PROMPT_COMMAND
. So it
ends up evaluating that command all the time, which makes it a prefect
place to load the saved variables. By setting the $PROMPT_COMMAND
variable in your ~/.bashrc
variable, it will become enabled in every
shell you start (except for login shells, so you might want to source
from your ~/.bash_profile
# Source some variables at every prompt. This is to make stuff like
# ssh agent, dbus, etc. working in long-running shells (e.g., inside
# screen).
PROMPT_COMMAND='for f in ~/.env.d/*; do source "$f"; done'
You might need to be careful where to place this line, in case
PROMPT_COMMAND already has some other value, like is default on Debian
for example. Here's my full .bashrc file, note the +=
starting ;
in the second assignment of $PROMPT_COMMAND
The astute reader will have noticed that this will only work for existing shells when a prompt is displayed, meaning you might need to just press enter at an existing prompt (to force a new one) after logging in the second time to get the values loaded. But that's a small enough burden, right?
So, with these two components, you'll be able to optimally use your long-running screen sessions, even when your X sessions are not so stable ;-)
Additionally, this stuff also allows you to use your faithful daemons
when you SSH into the machine. I use this so I can start GUI programs
from another machine (in particular, to open up attachments from my
email client which runs on a server somewhere). See my recent blogpost
about setting that up. However, since running a command through SSH
non-interactively never shows a prompt and thus never evaluates
, you'll need to manually source the variables at once
in your .bashrc directly. I do this at the top of my ~/.bashrc.
Man, I need to learn how to writer shorter posts...
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